Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hair Cut/Pet pics

I know its been about a year since I posted last. I just did not get around to posting pics. In the past year we lost a cat we had for almost 17yrs to old age and got a new kitten. I guess my new year resolution should be to post more to this blog ;) Below are some shots of me with the new kitten named "Little" for now and also with my dog Dakota. The last pic is me in front of christmas tree.

Monday, December 7, 2009


The Phoenix Zoo has Zoolights every year. My family and I have wanted to go for some time, this year we finally did. Here are a few pics my dad took. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Zoo trip

Turtle on the log near entrance
Feeding the giraffe
My sister feeding the giraffe

I went to the zoo this past Saturday with my dad and my sister. My sister and I were able to feed the giraffes and the stingrays. We saw the newest exhibit the Komodo dragons. I know I haven't posted in a while so I hope you enjoy these pics. (All pics in this post are courtesy of Grant Brummett Photography.)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Last Couple of months

A picture of the sting rays at Phoenix Zoo.  I was able to pet the sting rays and even feed them. It was lots of fun.
My sister and me at the renaissance festival.  It was an adventure this time because it rained and even some hail while we were there.  However, it was a lot less crowded because of the weather and we got some rainy day specials.  I also went yesterday with a group from the church.  It was fun but a lot more crowded because the weather was so nice.
A picture of my sister and me with a girl that is in the preschool class at church.  The picture was taken at the wedding reception of one of my friends that got married a couple of weeks ago.  I may post more pics later.  

My kids at play

Here are some videos my Dad shot of me playing with Pepper and Dakota. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I received an honest award from Daesha.   So I have to tell ten things people might not know about me and then nominate 7 others.

1. I started a blog because it was the only way I could communicate with some of my LCU friends.
2. I like Universal Studios better than Disneyland.
3. It took me awhile to respond to the award because I didn't want to post really stupid facts.
4. I have started watching the reality show "True Beauty"
5. I quote Boy Meets World randomly.
6. In my August post I nominated people for the smile award (Carrie nominated me first, thanks Carrie)
7. I like working with kids who have special needs
8. I love to check the mail(wish there would be more than junk mail and bills more often)
9. I sometimes think of moving to Alaska
10. At one time I had the whole book of James from the bible memorized.

My nominees are:
1. Katherine Gould
2. Carrie Tungate
3. John Cooper
4. Marta 
5. Lynsey
6. Shannon Herman
7. Tara

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas

A Picture of my sister's cat named Morris.  Sometimes we say he should have been named Garfield.  Can you see the resemblance? 
A Picture of me in the shirt my sister gave me for Christmas.
Stockings anyone?
The vase my sister gave my mom for christmas.  Isn't  it beautiful.

I know christmas is still over a week away.  We go visit relatives in Texas for christmas, so we celebrated it early.  I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!